Brain Injury FAQ’s

During rush hour or another busy time of the day, you might hear about a collision or fender bender that had happened from the news. That section of highway where the accident occurred is a stretch of road that you travel on every day. Without knowing the identities of those involved, you internally extend your sympathies to the victims and their families. But, you are also grateful that it was not you in that situation. Your day goes on as normal until you receive a phone call. You find out that although you were not involved in the accident, your loved one was. 

One of the most seriously sustained injuries caused by a car or motorcycle accident is the brain. Unfortunate situations like this will have anyone’s head flooding with questions. Not only will you think about if your loved one will be alright but you will ponder about the extent of their injuries and how their lives could potentially be affected. This first question you might ask is:

How will it be known if brain trauma has occurred?

If your loved one has been in a serious accident these are some of the clues to look for to see if they have suffered a traumatic brain injury. If they are experiencing pain in the neck area, compromised vision, have trouble recalling the events of the accident, headaches, have trouble balancing when standing up, and if they are throwing up, they might have experienced a brain injury. 

  • How can brain trauma be treated?

“Brain injuries are normally treated by resting, surgery, prescriptions, and even rehabilitation,” (RosenfeldInjuryLawyers). 

  • What are the kinds of brain injuries that one can sustain?

Fractured skull, brain bleeding, infection, internal brain damage, and a concussion

  • Are there any measures to retributive justice that can be taken if the accident was not my loved one’s fault?

There can be a lawsuit filed to claim hospital and treatment, injury, loss of work costs for your loved one.

  • What is the time limit to file a possible lawsuit?

A person has around 2 years to place a claim for a lawsuit for injuries and damage to the brain. 

Not only can injuries to the brain cause your loved one physical harm, but the damaging effects can be mental too. “A brain injury can change the way people feel or express emotions. An individual with TBI (traumatic brain injury) can have several types of emotional problems,” ( Issues with sudden outbursts of sadness, anger, fear, and stress can manifest in your loved one as an after-effect of the brain trauma that they have suffered from the accident. Treatment like taking prescriptions, seeing a psychiatrist, and joining an organization made up of people who have experienced the same thing might be helpful in your loved one’s journey to getting better. 

Learning about the various ways that you can help your loved ones can guide you to support them with life after the accident. The trauma of going through a car accident does not just affect the victim, it affects their loved ones both physically (due to stress) and emotionally.