Product Liability Claims – Five Steps to Take After Defective Product Injures You

We expect the products we purchase to be safe and reliable. We do not expect products to injure our families or us. Unfortunately, defective products injure or kill thousands of people each year. Product liability claims give individuals legal recourse to seek compensation for injuries and damages caused by a defective product.

What Should I Do After a Defective Product Injury – Tips for Product Liability Claims

Any product may be defective. Children’s toys, household appliances, electronics, airbags, tires, medications, medical devices, and furniture are just a few of the examples of defective products that cause injuries.

If you or your child is injured by a defective product, the steps you take after the injury can improve your chance of winning product liability claims. Therefore, five steps that you need to take as soon as possible are:

1.  Seek Medical Treatment for Your Injuries

Prompt medical treatment is essential after a defective product injury. In addition to protecting your health, you need to document your injuries for a legal claim. You must prove that the defective product was responsible for your injuries. However, delays in medical can make it more challenging to win product liability claims.

2.  Preserve Evidence

Unless the product is dangerous and needs to be disposed of by qualified professionals, secure the product in a safe location. Make sure that you keep the original packaging, instructions, and manuals. Secure the items in a container save to hold the product and related items.

3.  Document Your Damages

Damages in product liability claims include, but are not limited to:

  • Loss of income and benefits
  • Cost of medical treatment and personal care
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Disabilities and permanent impairments
  • Decreases in earning potential and ongoing medical or personal care because of permanent impairments
  • Mental trauma and emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Keep copies of all medical records, bills, receipts, invoices, and other evidence of damages. Also, keep detailed records of all time you miss from work and any other expenses you incur because of the injury.

Additionally, it can also be helpful to make notes about your physical, emotional, and mental suffering. Also, make notes about your daily pain levels and the activities you cannot perform because of your injuries.

4.  Continue Medical Care

Do not miss doctor’s appointments or stop treatment. You need to complete the treatment plan so that your physician can determine if you sustained permanent disabilities or impairments. If so, the value of your injury could be higher. You do not want to give the manufacturer a reason to claim that your injuries are more severe because you failed to complete treatment.

5.  Contact a Product Liability Claims Attorney in Tulsa

As soon as possible, contact a Tulsa product liability lawyer for help. Product liability claims are complicated personal injury cases. You must prove that the product was defective and the defect resulted in your injury. An attorney has the resources necessary to hire experts to assist in the investigation and provide expert testimony necessary to prove your case.

Call The Law Office of Michael R. Green, PLLC at (866) 944-4733 to schedule your free consultation with a Tulsa product liability attorney.