Tulsa Brain Injury Lawyer

Helping Victims of Traumatic Brain Injuries Seek Fair Compensation

A traumatic brain injury can occur as a result of two different circumstances. Either a sudden impact causes the brain to collide with the skull, resulting in a closed head injury, or an object impacts the skull and damages the brain, termed an open head injury.

Brain injuries can cause incredibly serious medical problems, and they can change a person’s life forever.

  • Brain injuries often occur from incidents like:

  • Motorcycle Accidents

  • Car Accidents

  • Truck Accidents

  • Defective Products

Do You Have Signs of a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries can be difficult to detect, especially if they are closed head injuries because there are very few outer signs or symptoms. So how can you tell if a head injury is mild or severe? Brain injury symptoms and effects can even arise months after the incident that caused the brain injury occurred. This can make your brain injury claim very difficult to handle through the court system without the experienced assistance of our brain injury attorney in Tulsa at The Law Office of Michael R. Green, PLLC.

Brain injuries that have not been diagnosed soon after the incident can cause serious problems. In order to detect a brain injury, look for symptoms and warning signs:

  • Change in Behavior

  • Mobility difficulties

  • Poor Balance

  • Poor Coordination

  • Impulsive Behavior

  • Loss of Vision

  • Loss of Taste

  • Aggressive Behavior

  • Inability to Focus

  • Hearing Loss

  • Breathing Difficulties

  • Depression

How Much Is a Brain Injury Lawsuit Worth?

A brain injury can affect every aspect of both the victim’s life and the people around them. Many times, people who suffer brain injuries require full-time care and medical attention. For many families this can be an enormous emotional and financial burden they are forced to bear.

In addition to requiring long term care, some brain injury patients may require their homes to be modified to allow for handicapped accessibility. They may also require adaptive equipment.

All of these expenses can add up, but by pursuing a TBI lawsuit we can help you obtain compensation to help cover these new expenses.

Discuss Your Claim During a Free Consultation

If you believe that you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, contact our office today. Our brain injury lawyer in Tulsa will work with you to determine what compensation you deserve. We can discuss your claim and discuss what you can do next.