Tulsa Dog Bite Lawyer

Dedicated Representation for Dog Bite Victims in Oklahoma

Every year in the United States almost 2% of the population is bitten by a dog. According to the CDC, about 60% of dog bite fatalities are among children under the age of 10. Injuries can be severe after being attacked by a dog.

If you or your child has been severely injured in a dog attack, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, medical bills, and other losses. Let a skilled Tulsa dog bite attorney from The Law Office of Michael R. Green, PLLC handle your case and help you hold the dog owner responsible for your injuries.

Oklahoma is a Strict Liability State for Dog Bites

Unlike many other states which follow a "one bite rule," Oklahoma is a strict-liability state when it comes to dog bites. This means that owners can be held liable for any unprovoked injures their dogs cause even if they never previously shown aggression.

Under Oklahoma Statutes §4-42.1, a dog owner is liable for damages when:

  • A dog bites or otherwise injures another person

  • The dog was not provokedThe injured person was not trespassing

This strict liability rule also applies to injuries not directly caused by bites, such as those caused by dogs jumping or knocking over another person. For example, a dog owner can potentially be held liable if their dog walks behind another person's legs and causes them to trip and fall.

Oklahoma's Dog Bite Statute of Limitations

Oklahoma's personal injury statute of limitations gives dog bite victims two years from the date of their injury to file a lawsuit in civil court against the dog owner. Dog bite cases that are filed after this two-year deadline has passed will almost certainly be dismissed by the court. Since this statute of limitations is strictly enforced and can potentially make or break your dog bite cfase, it is crucial you act fast and retain strong legal guidance to ensure you meet all applicable deadlines.

Take the Next Step - Call Us for Help Filing a Claim

Protect your right to compensation by having an attorney handle your claim. We understand that claims can be confusing, and you may be hesitant to take action if you are acquainted with the dog owner. We can help you determine the appropriate source of compensation and pursue a fair recovery on your behalf.