Tulsa Product Liability Lawyer
Injured by a Defective Product?
Each product liability attorney at our Tulsa Oklahoma firm has years of experience representing those who have suffered an injury caused by a defective product or negligence due to the manufacture or sale of that product. Anyone who is a victim of an unsafe or defective product may be awarded damages to be paid by the manufacturer, designer, or seller of that product.
Experience that Counts
Consumers are injured every day by harmful products or their effects. Negligence is a term used to describe the absence of proper care to avoid an injury. There are many different forms of negligence which can lead to different types of product liability claims. In order to win a product liability claim you would need to prove that the manufacturer or seller's negligence directly contributed to your injuries.
Examples of manufacturer negligence:
A manufacturer can be held liable for negligence if they fail to practice regular care in production, design or even assembly of their product.
Examples of seller negligence:
If a seller fails to honor or fulfill terms described by a product’s warranty, this is called breach of warranty.
If a seller advertises a product in a way that gives the consumer a false sense of security, a misrepresentation claim may be filed. This would also cover any intentional concealment of hazards to the consumer by the seller.
People use hazardous products every day, many times without the knowledge of the dangers they may possess. Dangerous or faulty products can lead to loss, bodily injury, or even death. The Tulsa product liability attorneys of our firm are experienced in handling product liability cases in Oklahoma and can assist you in evaluating your personal situation.
Hold Negligent Companies Responsible for Your Injuries
If you or someone you know feel you have a case for a product liability suit, contact our law firm to discuss your injuries. Make sure that you provide as much details about the product, how it was used, and your injuries.